Scottish writer Grant Morrison has expressed his desire to write Wonder Woman.
"I think one of the things that was lost on the Wonder Woman strip early on was a kind of slightly strange sexuality that the creator, William Marston, brought to the book," said Morrison.
"So, I think over the years a lot of people have had trouble dealing with the character - you know, she's an icon, she's a representation of women, but at the same time there has been a sexuality there that most people don't want to go near, which is quite understandable.
"But because the character was so rooted in it, I think she kind of lost a little bit of her 'sauce'. There have been great versions - I'm not saying there haven't been good Wonder Womans over the years, but I think there's always that little bit of something that Marston took with him.
"So, that's my feeling on Wonder Woman: it'd be nice to restore a little bit of that without being purient or sensationalistic."
Morrison has previously spoken about his interest in exploring Wonder Woman's heritage of bondage. Bondage, was a favorite aspect of Wonder Woman's creator, William Moulton Marston.