The New 52 Has More Sex, Not for Children

[] I know there's a lot of sex (whether implied or directly) in the DC Comic's "New 52."  I mean, come on, just look at some of the skimpy outfits the female heroines are forced to wear.

Now, Casey Brienza, a doctoral student in sociology at the University of Cambridge and one of the most well-known manga experts in the U.S. -- pointed out the mot obvious observation about the New 52.  There's too much sex.  Her ongoing project is a sociological account of the rise of manga in the United States and its implications for the globalization of culture.

However, if you look back at Wonder Woman before DC's reboot, you will be very surprised.  It is really amazing what comic book cover art people were able to get away with back in the day.  Take this issue, for example (which I also own).

We know William Moulton Marsden was a fan of bondage and believed that women would rule the world one day....but if DC takes this story and decides to re-do it,  I can see it becoming more sexually explicit than originally intended.

Covers like this make you question which version of Wonder Woman is more tame but back to the present though.

Brienza finds that:

"American superhero comics, and the sexual objectification of their heroines, reflect the conditions of their production and consumption: they are made almost exclusively by and for men." 

By way of example, Brienza cites research that the number of men versus women credited in the production of the new DC (and competitor Marvel) superhero comics is extremely unbalanced; on average women account for less than 10 percent of the production staff and are concentrated in less prestigious roles.

The bottom line: Parents out shopping for gifts this year might want to look at the new comics before giving them -- or their spin-off toys -- to their children.